About Me

Beginners Guide To Pool Care I felt like I had won the lottery the first time we were able to buy a house which had an inground pool. However, I quickly learned that I knew nothing about pool care. Several years later, I know how to care for our pool year round thanks to advice and help from my local pool contractor. I wanted to start this blog so that I could help other first-time pool owners with what to watch out for regarding their swimming pool. From signs of water leakage to how to winterize your pool, my blog posts are aimed to be educational and informative for pool care newbies.




Tips To Help You Get Your Swimming Pool Opened On Time This Year

Owning a swimming pool is a lot of fun — after you get it opened up for the season and make any necessary repairs. Here, you'll find a few tips that'll help you get your pool opened up and get small repairs made in time for the first day of swim season in your area.

Known Issues

Were you aware of any problems last year that you just let go because it was the end of the season and you didn't feel that the cost of repairs was warranted at that time? If so, now's the time to get busy making those repairs.

Hose Repair

When the hoses leak, you have three options: live with the leak, replace the hose, or repair the leaks. Small hose leaks are easily repaired after you find them. You'll just need an epoxy plastic repair kit and some white vinegar.

Once you find the leak, use the white vinegar to clean it thoroughly. Then, let it dry. Follow the instructions on the epoxy plastic repair kit to make the repair. Allow the patch more than enough time to cure before you run water through the hose.

Tip: Mark the repairs so that you'll easily be able to find and check them during the summer. The repair may not hold, and you don't want to spend your time looking for something that you've already found once before.

Water Collection

Paying to have your swimming pool filled can be quite expensive. Instead of having to foot the bill for every gallon the pool needs for opening, purchase a stretch of gutter to extend from your home's nearest downspout to the pool.

Disconnect the downspout at the gutter on the house. Wire up the stretch of gutter to catch the water as it flows out of the house gutters. Put a sock or woman's nylon stocking on the end of the gutter to catch debris. The stretch of gutter will carry the water from the roof of your home to the swimming pool. You'll be shocked at how much water the roof of your home catches each rain — you may actually be able to get the pool filled for the most part without having to order a full truck of water to be delivered.

Tip: If the distance between the pool and your gutters is far, you may need to place a few posts or ladders to support the weight during a heavy rainstorm.

Talk with a local pool repair specialist like those at Hasbrouck Pool and Spa, INC. to learn what it'll take to get your pool up and ready for the first swim of the season.
